Useful information about Mitsubishi Lancer X
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Automatic closing and opening of central locking - function on Lancer X

Activation of Auto door lock/unlock function (automatic closing and opening of central locking) on Lancer X.
Automatic closing and opening of central locking - function on Lancer X
Author: Stveagal
The Auto door lock/unlock function (automatic closing and opening of central locking) I activated on my Mitsubishi Lancer X as soon as I knew that it exists. 
Given function will close the central locking automatically when beginning a movement and open the central locking when transferring the AT lever in parking mode or when transferring the key in LOCK position.
Unfortunately, a lot of people, when activating given function, have problems due to a lack of awareness of what one or another point is responsible for. That is why I am going to describe it in detail now.
Given function is activated on Lancer X only in ETACS unit.
For activating you need:
1. J2534 compatible adapter. Bought here: Аliexpress
   Реклама. ООО "АЛИБАБА.КОМ (РУ)", ИНН 7703380158

2. MMCodingWriter, the program for downloading and coding recording.
3. MUT Coding Mitsubishi, the program for coding editing.
4. Laptop.
Since 2021, the MUT Coding Mitsubishi program has become paid, or you can buy it from the developer, or use the built-in editor in the MMCoding Writer program.
How to activate hidden functions and what you need for that, you can find out in the article Activating hidden functions and options on Mitsubishi.
Activate in Variant coding:
Auto door lock/unlock --> crash unlock + speed lock.
Given point will close the central locking on Lancer X automatically when increasing the speed above 20 km/h, and in case of an accident will unlock the central locking automatically.
You can also activate these points separately in given point. But it is better to activate as I do.
Now activate in Variant coding given point, it allows to choose the mode of central locking opening in Custom coding on Mitsubishi Lancer X.
Door unlock by IG lock customize --> Enabled
Activate in Custom coding:
Auto Door Lock by vehicle speed --> Relock
It is an activation of repeated locking.
Next find this point Auto door unlock -->, and choose 1 of 4 modes of central locking opening.
Always (P Pos) - Central locking opening when transferring AT lever in parking mode.
P/W unlock (P) - the same as a previous mode, but central locking does not open if there is a pressed (switched-on) window regulator lock button.
Always (Lock Pos) - Central locking opening when transferring a key in Lock position.
P/W unlock (Lock) - the same as a previous mode, but central locking does not open if there is a pressed (switched-on) window regulator lock button.
Also, I remember exactly that I had this point Door unlock by IG lock customize – Enabled by P_Unlock on my previous ETACS unit, which allowed to lock the central locking when transferring AT lever in drive mode, but I did not find this point in my new ETACS unit, that I have installed recently.
So, pay attention that on different ETACS units some points may be called a little bit different and some may be absent at all.
A complete list of all available options and functions on Lancer X can be found in the article List of hidden functions and options on Mitsubishi Lancer X.

Video of 20 popular hidden functions and options on Mitsubishi Lancer X

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