Useful information about Mitsubishi Lancer X
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Acceleration measurement from 0 to 100 km/h on Lancer X

Let us perform the acceleration measurement from 0 to 100 km/h on Mitsubishi Lancer X using MMCodingWriter software.
Acceleration measurement from 0 to 100 km/h on Lancer X
Author: Stveagal
Just recently the new upgrade of MMCodingWriter software has been released, using which we activated hidden functions and options on Mitsubishi earlier.

There is an opportunity to measure the acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in the new upgrade. The measurement is performed from ABS sensor, that is why the measurement is quite accurate basically. And above all, the given procedure began quite simple and accessible.

To be honest, I have never performed such measurements. Besides, the engine 1,8 is quite civil, I am not sure that it will impress with any results, but I have decided to try. We will compare at least with certificate data of acceleration.

Trim level of my car:

- Lancer X, 2011 year made, restyling.
- engine 1,8, 140 horse-power.
- Variator.

As per certificate data, the acceleration of my trim level is equal 11,2 sec.

Cable and software for acceleration measurement on Mitsubishi

For measurement we need the same, as for standard function activation:
1. J2534 compatible adapter. Bought here: Аliexpress
   Реклама. ООО "АЛИБАБА.КОМ (РУ)", ИНН 7703380158

2. MMCodingWriter software for downloading and code writing.
3. MUT Coding Mitsubishi software for code editing.
4. Laptop.

Acceleration measurement from 0 to 100 km/h on Lancer XConnect to the car, there is a window of acceleration measurement in the ABS tab.

Acceleration measurement from 0 to 100 km/h on Lancer XMeasure with switched-off air conditioner, as it takes a part of power.

Generally, my best time of all performed measurements is as follows - 11,47 sec. Certificate data - 11,20 sec.

I also tried to perform measurement using paddles, but it seems that one needs to switch by them on definite revolutions, instead, the results is worse than automatic switching.

But as a whole the subject is interesting.

Video of acceleration measurement to 100 km/h on Mitsubishi

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