Goods for Mitsubishi Lancer X
Standard chip MZ605181 on Lancer X
Standard chip for С-310 connector of Etacs unit on Lancer X.

Standard chip for С-310 connector of Etacs unit for Mitsubishi cars. With this chip, you can conveniently connect any additional equipment (recorder, radar, etc.) without inserting into the wiring. Since the C-310 connector always has a pin with constant +12 volts, a +12 volt pin that appears when the key is switched to ACC mode and a pin with +12 volts appears when the dimensions are turned on.
The original article of this chip is MZ605181, but the original costs an order of magnitude larger. This analogue is equal in quality.
You can buy the standard chip for С-310 connector of Etacs unit
(MZ605181) here Aliexpress.
Реклама. ООО "АЛИБАБА.КОМ (РУ)", ИНН 7703380158

An example of connecting a dashcam using this chip can be found in this article Connecting the dashcam on Mitsubishi Lancer X or in the video below.
Video of dashcam connection on Mitsubishi Lancer X
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